keewurdz, U239

What does it cost?
What can life coaching do for you?
What happens in a coaching session?
About Clare

With coaching you are investing in your future. You will find the sessions invaluable and you will leave with techniques that will enable you to self coach whenever you want to. The results are profound and long lasting.

If you would like to have a complimentary, no obligation, 20 min session by phone or skype then please give me a call on 07751 905217. We can either work on an issue you would like to progress or do my popular 'real you' exercise which puts you back in touch with who you are when you are most calm, confident and resourceful.

You can have your coaching sessions by telephone, skype/facetime or face to face at the Coach House Studios in Wirksworth, Derbyshire.

Individual coaching sessions cost £75 per hour

A block of 4 x one hour coaching sessions costs £70 per hour (£280 for the block)

A block of 8 x one hour coaching sessions costs £65 per hour (£520 for the block)

Sessions are taken once a week, fortnight or month to suit your needs.

Please give me a call on 07751 905217 so we can discuss how coaching will work for you.

Coaching makes a very special gift
If you have enjoyed the benefits of coaching and would like to share this experience with a partner, relation or friend you can now present them with a gift of a coaching package to delight them in the year to come. Please contact me so we can arrange the details for their treat.

Making payment
For face to face sessions, payment for each package is made in full at the first session. For telephone or skype sessions, payment for each package is made in full, 48 hours in advance of the first session. You can do this by cheque or by bank transfer. You will be sent full details when we have arranged your first session.

I will give you your money back for any unused sessions at any point in the process should you need to discontinue for any reason.

Life Coach - Performance Coach - Derbyshire – telephone coaching, skype coaching and face to face coaching - 07751 905217