Are there changes you want to make in your life but something is stopping you?
Do you want to be in a better place to deal with change that is happening to you?
Do you want to feel more calm, confident and happy in life?
If ‘yes’ comes to mind then Life Coaching is the answer. As
your coach I will respect that you are the expert on you and:
1. Provide a reflective space where you can work through issues and clarify
personal goals
2. Ask questions that help you find the answers and solutions that lie within
3. Challenge beliefs or assumptions that may be holding you back
4. Give you effective tools to help you practice new ways of thinking and behaving eg:
• Move from feeling anxious to calm; doubtful to confident; indifferent
to excited and to be able to summon up your desired state on demand
• View things from a completely different perspective, unlock new
insights and improve your relationship with others
• Break unhelpful habits and build new ones that help you move forward
• Stop negative thoughts and encourage new, kind, supportive ones
• Help you learn from past experiences and build a stronger sense
of self as a result
• Plus much, much more ....
5. Help you work out what really matters to you in life
6. Identify clear goals that you really want and can achieve
7. Help you plan and stay motivated to take the steps to get you there
Life Coaching will help you gain new perspectives on your life as you move
towards your goals with new found strength, clarity and resources ... does
this sound like something you’d like to try?
About Clare
I have been a manager in Higher Education for the last 15 years and have
always loved helping people to develop, acquire new skills and progress.
Life Coaching was a natural next step for me as I wanted to put my intuition,
creativity and listening skills to even better use and do more immediate
work with individuals. I work as a personal coach within my organisation
and privately, and have been delighted by the transformation that happens
for people during Life Coaching. I would love to help you discover how good
your life can be - so give me a call and you can decide if this is something
you would like too ...
Clare Manning, BA, DipNLP
These sevices are suitable for corporate, business, public and private sector teams as well as individuals and are available throughout the UK. Our office is based in Derbyshire, South Yorkshire.
This website has full details of our Life Coaching approaches.
Rediscover the real you – the one who knows who they are, what they
believe in and what they want in life. The one who feels happy, confident
and motivated. The one who shines at everything they do!
As your coach I will work with you to make sure your values and beliefs
support your full potential now and in the achievement of your new goals.
I know that you are the expert on you because you have the knowledge and
understanding of all your experiences to date. I also imagine that you have
an eye to the future and believe that you are able to work through some
challenging issues and make changes that will enhance that future.
Imagine being happy and comfortable with yourself every day of every year...
Imagine how much you can achieve and how successful you can be when you
know you are great at what you do, you trust your intuition and you believe
in your own capability. You shine and you enjoy everything that life has
to offer.
Life Coaching helps you to rediscover the real you, it unlocks your potential
and gives you a sense of purpose. It works from inside out and ensures that
you can maintain the change, confidence and success that follow. It gets
you living the life you’ve always wanted to lead...
Your Self Belief and Confidence
• Have you lost confidence in your abilities?
• Do you give yourself a hard time and feel worse for it?
• Do you talk yourself out of moving forward?
• Are you losing trust in your ideas and decisions?
Low confidence is extremely common and most of us lack confidence at some
point in our lives. So as your coach I will assist you to:
• Rebuild your belief in yourself
• Understand what really matters to you
• Spot the beliefs that are holding you back and create new supportive
beliefs instead
• Think and act in keeping with your values and new beliefs
With this comes a surge of confidence that will carry you through life’s
challenges and make the most of opportunities. With confidence comes a sense
of inner peace and purpose which feeds most other areas of self development.
This is why I believe it is so important to help you understand and strengthen
your sense of self belief early on in the Life Coaching relationship. It
really does set the foundations for lots of good, solid developments to
Your Health and Happiness
• Are you tired and want more energy in your life?
• Do you want to live a healthier life style?
• Do you want more time for you?
• Do you want to feel happy more of the time?
• Do you want to feel better about yourself?
• Do you want to find more peace in your life?
The truth is that for many of us, juggling busy professional, family and
social lives, it can be difficult to stay connected with who we really are
and what we personally need to feel happy and healthy.
As your coach I will work with you to:
• Rediscover what is important to you in all areas of your life and
create a healthy new sense of balance
• Focus on what makes you feel great, the real you – calm, happy
and healthy
• Build new routines into your life and keep them going because you
love the benefits
Your Dreams and Plans
• Have you forgotten how to dream about what you want in life?
• Did you start on a life plan and then lose your sense of direction?
• Do you have a dream but you’re not sure about how to reach
• Do you feel stuck and crave a new sense of direction?
It is very easy to get caught up in day to day living with our heads in
the detail, ignoring the bigger picture. In reality, life becomes much more
fulfilling if we allow ourselves time to imagine a long term plan and then
start putting the steps in place to achieve it.
As your coach I will work with you to:
• start to dream, plan and set goals in all areas of your life
• reconnect with your life plan and move forward once again
• work out the small steps that will take you from where you are now
to where you want to be
• encourage you to do something each week that moves you towards your
Your Career
• Feeling stuck or unhappy in your job?
• Wondering why that promotion has eluded you to date?
• Fancy a change but don’t know where to turn or how to make
it happen?
• Facing the possibility of redundancy?
• Approaching retirement?
In the current economic climate, many people are having to cope with change
that is being imposed on them or they want to make a change but are not
sure now is a good time.
If you are asking yourself any of these, or similar, questions then Life
Coaching is for you. As your coach I will work with you to:
• work out your core values, your key skills and strengths and make
sure they are aligned for your current or future job
• reflect on the culture in your organisation, what is valued, how
you can contribute more moving forward
• progress a dream by discussing anxieties, working out how to overcome
current stumbling blocks and making a realistic plan which chimes with the
whole of your life
• believe in your abilities, value your skills and experience and
make a plan for the future
Your Professional Development
• Are you feeling the stresses and strains of work?
• Do you procrastinate, avoid difficult situations or potential conflict?
• Do you wish you could get your voice heard and have a stronger impact?
• Are you afraid of giving presentations?
• Do you want to achieve even more at work than you do now?
Most of us are great at elements of our job and know deep down that there
are certain thoughts and behaviours that hold us back. As your coach I will
assist you to:
• Get back in your zone where you are most calm, productive and effective
• Remove the blocks that stop you from making decisions, tackling
difficult issues or improving your relationship with your boss or colleagues
• Improve your communication skills and get your message across so
that it hits home every time
• Overcome your fears about speaking in meetings or in public so that
you learn to enjoy the adrenaline and perform as the real you
• Build your professional confidence so that you achieve more for
yourself and others
Your Relationships
• Are you struggling to communicate with your kids, partner, parents
or boss?
• Are you giving so much to others that there isn’t much left
for you?
• Are you coming to terms with the end of a relationship?
Relationships are so important in our professional and private lives. Are
their aspects of your relationships with others that you would like to improve?
As your coach I will assist you to:
• communicate more effectively with everyone
• develop your boundaries so that you connect with those you want
to and protect yourself from those you don’t
• ensure that you prioritise you so that when you give to others you
don’t end up feeling depleted
• help you reconnect with who you are and what you will bring to future
We agree to have a one hour Life Coaching session every week or every
fortnight depending on what suits you best. Our sessions will usually be
by telephone or skype, or a mixture of both, depending on what you prefer.
For clients who live in Derbyshire we can also arrange to meet face to face
in a neutral venue.
In the sessions, I will:
1. Provide a reflective space where you can enjoy special time for you and
invest in resolving issues you are struggling with and planning for the
2. Ask questions that help you find the answers and solutions that lie within
3. Challenge beliefs or assumptions that may be holding you back
4. Give you effective tools to help you practice new ways of thinking and
behaving eg:
• Move from feeling anxious to calm; doubtful to confident; indifferent
to excited and to be able to summon up your desired state on demand
• View things from a completely different perspective, unlock new
insights and improve your relationship with others
• Break unhelpful habits and build new ones that help you move forward
• Stop negative thoughts and encourage new, kind, supportive ones
• Help you learn from past experiences and build a stronger sense
of self as a result
5. Help you work out what really matters to you in life
6. Identify clear goals that you really want and can achieve in areas such
as health, wealth, family, relationships, career, contribution and you time.
7. Help you plan and stay motivated as you take the steps to get you there
Life Coaching will help you gain new perspectives on your life as you move
towards your goals with new found strength, clarity and resources. Sounds
good doesn’t it?
Give me a call now so we can plan how Life Coaching will work for you.
I have been a manager in Higher Education for the last 15 years and have
always loved supporting people to develop, acquire new skills and progress.
Life Coaching was a natural next step for me as I wanted to put my intuition,
creativity and listening skills to even better use and do more immediate
work with individuals.
To ensure I am well qualified to coach, I have achieved a Diploma in Neuro
Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a Diploma in Life Coaching (LCH) with Curly
Martin, a renowned international trainer and coach. I work with other coaches
in my area and continue to develop my own learning to make sure my practice
is as current and energised as possible.
I work as a personal coach within my organisation and privately and have
been delighted by the transformation that happens for people during Life
Coaching. I have experienced the power of Life Coaching myself, both from
having a coach and being my own coach. What I love about it is the way it
puts you back in the centre of your life and fills you with an ongoing sense
of excitement. I often feel now as if something amazing has just happened
or is about to happen – and then I realise this is what I feel like
when I am 100% me... That is my experience of Life Coaching – what
will yours be?
I would love to help you discover how good your life can be - so give me
a call and you can decide if this is something you would like too.
I have designed three different packages to suit your different investment
needs. Please give me a call to work out which one suits your current situation
Life Coaching makes a very special gift
If you have enjoyed the benefits of Life Coaching and would like to share
this experience with a dear partner, relation or friend you can now present
them with a gift of a Life Coaching package to delight them in the year
to come. Please contact me so we can arrange the details for their treat.
Making payment
Payment for each package is made in full, 48 hours in advance of the first
Life Coaching session. You can do this by .......................... or
by bank transfer. You will be sent full details when we have arranged your
first session.
Essentially you need to click with your coach so that you will able to
speak openly and honestly about your life, what holds you back and what
you really want to achieve. A good coach is well trained with a real interest
in people, excellent listening and questioning skills and a great sense
of intuition. The best way to find the coach that suits you is to give them
a call and see if you get on with them.
When you call me, I will ask you what we would be working on and give you
a taste of a mini Life Coaching session so you can see whether Life Coaching
feels good to you and whether you like my coaching style. I will also be
happy to answer your questions with no obligation to book. If we work together,
we will be working on your values, beliefs and goals so it’s important
that you feel comfortable with and inspired by our discussion. Give me a
call and then decide...
Clare Manning BA, DipNLP
Performance Coach, Life Coach